Member Baby Tours

MEMBERS ONLY, please sign in

This is a members only or members pre-sale event. You must sign in to verify your eligibility.

Selected date

Saturday January 4

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Selected time

10:00 AM  –  10:40 AM

This program is for Museum Members only. Interested in membership? Learn more here!

This 40-minute experience will introduce you and your infant (ages 0-2) to the world of art with a tour designed to stimulate their developing minds. We will explain the positive effects of visual stimulation with masterpieces that will mesmerize the Art Museum's youngest visitors. Visitors will meet in the Schmiddlapp Gallery and be led on a guided tour. Strollers are discouraged so that you and your child can better experience the art together. 

FREE. Reservations Required. Please reserve one ticket per family - includes up to four people including children. 

Art Museum Members: Please use the SIGN IN or CREATE ACCOUNT buttons at the top-right of your screen to login prior to adding purchases to your cart. 

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